The font matter is the contents at the top of each page and describe the layout



name Type optional Description
title String No title of the page
description String No description for the page
math Bool Yes if to include the MathJax javascript
jquery Bool Yes if to include the JQuery javascript
script String Yes Link to any other javascript


Inherits from default

name Type optional Description
module String No module code uppercase


Inherits from default


Inherits from default


Inherits from default


name Type optional Description
title String No title of the page
description String No description for the page
math Bool Yes if to include the MathJax javascript
jquery Bool Yes if to include the JQuery javascript
script String Yes Link to any other javascript
part Bool Yes if tue is part of a structured order of notes defined in _data
mod String Yes the module for the page
authors Array of Strings Yes the author/s for the page
contributors String Yes Contributors other than the authors