warwick.guide is a user created site, all content is created by students for everyone in the the year if you are using or contributing to the site you are expected to read and understand the following points.

Code of conduct

All contributors should conform to the code of conduct found here


Please follow the tutorials on the site to ensure smooth pull requests here
Pay close attention to our style guide for layout and organization of pages here



The content on this site is produced by students and while reasonable efforts are made to ensure accuracy, no claims of accuracy are made for this site all users should bear this in mind.

Submission of a fix

Please thoroughly research a topic/correction before making a pull request on the matter, to ensure accuracy.

The standard fix for an error in the documents to submit a pull request with any corrections (see blow) if you are uncomfortable with this you can contact the author of the content or the maintainers fo the site (see the contact me section)


Many times an error can easily be fixed by the reader for small technical, spelling or formatting errors in notes or crib sheets that are obvious oversights a pull request can be submitted to apply the fix.

If you can make the change yourself by editing the appropriate file, consider making a pull request to the repository (for pdf files, annotations by tools such as xournal++ should be used) and submit it through GitHub. This will also list you as a contributor to the project :smile:.

Larger errors

For large technical errors or for errors in the quiz such as impossible questions we ask that you check with the author, or at least another student studying the course before submitting the pull request and provide evidence that the fix is correct. Also bear in mind that some content on the course may be simplified and although not factually the ground truth is functionally correct for the course and so should not be changed.

Improving Clarity

You may find content that while technically accurate lacks clarity or is difficult to understand it is requested that you contact the module author before making edits of this types.



This work is licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International”, and the full license document can be found here. Essentially, attribute any content to the people who made it, don’t use it to make money, and, even if you change the content, share it under the same license.

By submitting a pull request you are claiming that you have the authority to share work under this licence and that any content added to the site is free to share under this licence.


To ensure the smooth running of the this project, and avoid any contributions having to be removed, please follow the below guidelines:

  • Ensure you have permission from the author to put work on this site under the above licence
  • If you are directly sourcing content that is not your own, please add the correct citations. For images or text taken verbatim from a source, please include a link to the site it is taken from, and exercise common sense for other cases
  • Please do not re-host any university owned content, including but not limited to past papers and lecture notes

A guide on proper attribution can be found here



If you want to take a local download of the repository, please consider taking a fork as opposed to a clone, as that means it is easier for you to both stay up to date, and to contribute later if you want to. Furthermore, it helps us to some extent see how many people are interested in what we are doing.