
Variables are what we store values in. A value can be anything from a primitive value, all the way up to an object instance. They’re declared like this:

// Creating an integer variable
int x = 5;

// Creating a String variable
String str = "I am a string";

// Instantiating a Scanner object and storing it in a variable
Scanner sinput = new Scanner(;

// You can then call Scanner methods like so:
int a = sinput.nextInt();

Number systems

Two’s Complement

Useful links: source conversion tool

Two’s complement is the way in which computers represent integers. To get the two’s complement negative notation of an integer, you perform the following steps:

  1. Write out the number in binary
  2. Invert the digits
  3. Add one to the result

It is a given that if the leftmost bit is a 1, then this number is negative.

⚠ Important: If you are converting a positive integer to two’s complement form, then you simply do a basic conversion. When converting to binary, you only invert the bits if you have a negative number. Similarly, if you see the number 00011110, this is 30- you do not need to do the hokey-pokey inversion magic. If you are reading from a binary number, you can either read the basic decimal number OR the decimal from the signed 2’s complement. In which case, the number 11111101 would read 253 and -3 respectively.

For example, given 8 bits and the number -28:

Write out the binary form of +28

28 = 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

Invert the digits

0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 => 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

Add 1

1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
              1 +
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

Two’s Complement: Converting to decimal

It is therefore also possible to convert from Two’s Complement; take the number 0xFFFFFFFF as an example. This is the hex representation of 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111.

At first glance, we can tell that this number is negative, as it has a leading (leftmost) bit set to 1.

If you want to see what this number is a negative of, then we follow a similar set of steps:

  1. Invert all the bits
  2. Add one

Therefore, inverting all the bits 0xFFFFFFFF results in 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000. Then, adding 1 leads to 0000 0000 0000 0001, which is the number 1. Therefore, the negative of 0xFFFFFFFF is 1, and hence the value is -1.

Java’s numeric data types

Type Bytes Value in Decimal
byte 1 byte (8 bits) -128 to +127
short 2 bytes -32768 to +32767
int 4 bytes -231 to +(231 - 1)
long 8 bytes -263 to +(263 - 1)

We’ve seen how two’s complement is used to represent integers. For decimal numbers, like float and double, we use floating point notation to store their values (IEEE-754).

A float is 32-bits and can represent numbers between -3.4e38 and 3.4e38 with 6 to 7 significant digits of accuracy.

A double is 64-bits and can be represent numbers between -1.7e308 and 1.7e308 with 14 to 15 significant digits of accuracy.

IEEE 754 notation for floating point numbers

Useful links: GeeksforGeeks (source) Conversion Tool

Before we begin, a brief reminder on fractional binary: 9.125 = 1001.001. We achieved this result with the following intuition:

Binary place values 23 22 21 20 2-1 2-2 2-3
Binary bits 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
Decimal values 8 0 0 1 0 0 0.125

The table is a little janky, but it hopefully gets the point across; you continue in descending powers of 2 as you go rightwards. Anything beyond 2^0 is followed by a decimal place, ..

Components of the IEEE 754 Floating Point Number

Before diving into the components, it’s much better to look at an example. Therefore, take the decimal number 43.625; this has binary representation 101011.101. However, we would represent this as 1.01011101 x 25.

In general the value of a floating point number is determined by

(-1)(Sign Bit) x 1.(Mantissa) x 2(Biased Exponent) - 127

There are three basic components which make up the IEEE 754 floating point number:

  1. The Sign Bit: this is a single bit where a 0 represents a positive number, whilst a 1 represents a negative number.
  2. The Biased Exponent: this is an eight bit exponent field which represents both positive and negative exponents. It is biased because it is a fixed positive value that is then subtracted by 127 to represent either a positive or negative exponent. For example, given the exponent bits 100001002 = 13210. We arrive at the index 25 because 2132-127 = 25.
  3. The Mantissa: this is a twenty-three bit field which makes up the numbers to right of the decimal point . (as shown in the formula above). The most significant bit (the left most) is 1/21, then 1/22, and so on. In most cases, the value before the . is 1, however in some cases which we will explain in the special cases section below, it may be 0 (this is when it is renormalised).

With these components established, we can rewrite our previous example, 43.625, 1.01011101 x 25 in IEEE 754 notation:

Sign (1 bit) Exponent (8 bits) Mantissa (23 bits)
0 10000100 01011101000000000000000

Complete representation: 0 10000100 01011101000000000000000

IEEE 754 Double-precision Number

Luckily for our computers, there is also a specification for double-precision numbers; it basically uses the same components, except for the fact that there are more bits.

(-1)(Sign Bit) x 1.(Mantissa) x 2(Biased Exponent) - 1023

  • Sign Bit. No change in bits.
  • Mantissa. 52-bits
  • Biased Exponent. 11-bits

Special values

IEEE 754 also has some special values you need to keep in mind:

When the exponent bits = 0000 0000

  • If the fraction is 0, the value is 0 or -0.
  • Otherwise, renormalise the number with this form: (-1)sign bit x 0.(fraction) x 2-127

The exponent bits = 1111 1111

  • If the fraction is 0, the value is +- infinity.
  • Otherwise, the value is NaN, otherwise known as not a number.


The main content I gleamed from this was to be familiar with the three Linux streams:

Stream Purpose Example Collect input Scanner uses this stream to collect user input
System.out Send normal output Your typical System.out.println() will output to this stream
System.err Send output when there is an error Some IDE’s such as Eclipse will output to this stream to highlight text in a different colour


Generally speaking, this is the process of changing the data type of one piece of data from one type to another. You need to be familiar with the different types (pun not intended) of casting:

  Implicit casting Explicit casting
Definition No loss of precision Possible loss of precision
Example float pi = 3.141f;
double big_pi = pi;
float pi = 3.141f;
int less_pi = pi;

The compiler will ‘let you know’ (otherwise known as screaming) if you attempt an explicit cast. However, if this is intentional you can do it like this.

// lets say you want to cast a variable from a float to an int
float pi = 3.144;
int more_pi = (int) pi; // essentially tells the compiler not to worry

Lazy and strict evaluation

You will be familiar with both &/&& and |/||; if you use either of these, your code will still compile correctly. However, one is strict whilst the other is lazy. If you need a quick way to remember this, a SINGLE CHARACTER means STRICT evaluation.

The only difference between a strict and a lazy evaluation is how many of the operands are computed; this means that if you are expecting something to happen on the RHS of a comparison, only a strict evaluation will execute the LHs as well as the RHS. In essence, a lazy comparison will only execute both operands if needed.

int a = 5;

// Lazy AND example; the LHS is false, so the overall statement is false. The RHS is not executed, and a = 5.
if (false && (a++ == 5)) {}

// Strict AND example; the LHS is false, but the RHS is still executed. a = 6 after this, even though the result is false.
if (false & (a++ == 5)) {}

// Therefore, a lazy OR operator will not execute the RHS if the LHS is true.

Pre- and Post-increment

There are two ways to increment a numerical variable using the ++ operation:

Prefix ++var Postfix var++
The value is incremented first, and then returned. The value is returned first, and then it is incremented

I’ve found that a useful way to remember this is to think of where the ++ is; in the prefix case, the ++ precedes the variable name. Therefore, you can think of the return always happening when you reach the var. Hence, prefix ++var incremements and then returns, whilst postfix var++ returns and then increments.

Operator precedence (BIDMAS on steroids)

The Java creators realised that they too wanted to implement operator precedence. It follows this order:

Postfix Unary Multiplicative Additive Shift Relational Equality Strict Ops Lazy Ops Assignment
var++ ++var * / % + - << <= < >= > == != & && = += -= *= /= ...