Key Commands
Database Theory
“Keep what changes abd what stays the same separate”
Keep structure and date separate
Structures Query Language
interact with a relational database
Relational Database
Data is linked to other data through the use of, unique id and links/ references
Database Management
Databases need to be managed
Users, password access rights
Mostly beyond scope of this course
Store data in Key value Pairs
Similar to accusative arrays
Fast retrieval through hash functions Uses HAsh functions rather ehn
ACID Compliance
ensures transactions are robust
- atomicity - each transaction is a single unit
- consistency - only take the database from one valid state to another
- isolation - Transactions occurring in parallel are result in the same result as transactions in series
- durability - Once a transaction has occurs it will remain regardless of system failure
Database Table
Place to store data of the same type
Columns are decides on creation
Rows are data that is entered
Unlimited number of rows are available but fixed number of columns.
One to One
One record is associated with one and only one record.
- one person has one passport
One to Many
One record points to many records.
- A User has many posts
- A post has one user
Many to Many
Many records are related to many records.
- One student attends many courses
- One course is attend by many Students
Each data row has an ID that can be used to reference the data.
A script used to create a database from scratch, used to define tables.
The script may also contain default/ demo values
Detailed Commands
Data Types
- integer - whole Numbers
- real - decimal numbers
- text
- varchar (length)- fixed length text
- date
- datetime - date and time
- blob - binary data
Data Modifiers
Auto increment
id integer PRIMARY KEY
when inserting values use NULL
Table Operations
Create Table
CREATE TABLE <table name>(
<column1> <Datatype>,
<column2> <Datatype>,
<column3> <Datatype>,
<column4> <Datatype>,
Delete Table
DROP TABLE table1;
Add Data
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (value1,value2,value3,....);
Updating Records
UPDATE table1 SET column1 = value1 WHERE column2=value2;
Multiple records
UPDATE table1 SET column1 = value1,column2 = value2 WHERE column3=value3;
Deleting Records
DELETE FROM table1 WHERE <column1=value1;
Find Data
SELECT column1,column2,.. FROM table1 WHERE column1=value1;
is a wildcard can be used in place of fields for all fields
can add order
ORDER BY column1,column2 ASC|DESC ;
Multiple Tables
Select * from table1,table2 where column1=value2 AND column1=table2.column2;