
Just like how expressions have types, types have kinds.

expression :: type -- type signature
type  :: kind      -- kind signature
Bool  :: *
Maybe :: * -> *

For example, the type Bool has kind * (star) because Bool has no parameters. On the other hand, Maybe is of kind * -> * (star to star), as we know that Maybe is a type constructor and has 1 parameter.

* -> * basically says that if you give this kind a type as an argument, then it gives back a type.

[] :: * -> * is another example – given a type a to the list type constructor and it will give [a] (a list of a).

Kinds = Better Code

Kinds help us code instances better, as long as we understand it.

Monad :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
instance Monad Either where ... 
-- Error: Expected kind * -> * but Either has kind * -> * -> *

In this example, it is easy to see why we get an error, because Monad is a type class that takes a type of kind * -> * (basically a type constructor) and gives a Constraint. So giving it a type of kind * -> * -> * violates this constraint.

You can think of type classes as a constraint constructor, although this isn’t a standard term so don’t use it!

Finding the kind

In the Haskell repl, we have seen we can use :t <VALUE> to find the type of a given value or variable. Similarly, we can find the kind of a type using :k <TYPE>, and additionally reduce the type to a normal form with :kind! <TYPE>.

Type promotion

Using Haskell language extensions, we are able to create our own kinds of types. This feature is not in Haskell by default, so we need to add a language extension to use it. We can use the Haskell extension XDataKinds in three ways:

  1. Writing the following at the top of our source file, as language pragma:

    {-# LANGUAGE XDataKinds #-}
    module Program where
  2. Modifying the .cabal file for the entire target

        default-extensions: DataKinds
  3. With flags on the command line (requires specification every time)

    $ ghc Program.hs -XDataKinds

Usually we use Language Pragmas.

DataKinds is the language extension that allows us to create our own kinds.

With DataKinds enabled, each data type we define not only introduces a type with some constructor but also introduces

  • a new kind which has the same name as the data type
  • additional data types – have the same name as the data constructors but preceded with a '.
    • These additional data types are of the new kind that is introduced.

Example. Here we are getting a type-level boolean of kind Bool.

data Bool = True | False
  True  :: Bool -- type signature
  False :: Bool
-- With DataKinds enabled, the 'True and 'False data types are introduced
  'True  :: Bool -- kind signature (do not confuse with typings)
  'False :: Bool

To visualise this you can look at the table below. The right-most column is what the DataKinds language extension adds in addition to what happens normally when you define a type with data.

  Normally DataKinds Additions
Kind-Level * Bool
Type-Level Bool 'True and 'False
Value-level True and False  


Generalised Algebraic Data Types (GADTs) allow us to define more expressive data type definitions. The language extension is GADTs.

-- ADT syntax
data Vector a = Nil | Cons a (Vector a)
     Behind the scenes we get 
       Nil :: Vector a
       Cons :: a -> Vector a -> Vector a 
-- with GADT syntax
data Vector a where
  Nil  :: Vector a
  Cons :: a -> Vector a -> Vector a

Currently, the head function on lists will break if given an empty list. So we can fix that by returning a Maybe or Either type and then deal with the result in another function.

But GADTs together with another extension, XKindSignatures, will allow us to define a head function for Vector that will reject an empty list at compile-time – removing the need for us to handle the results of Maybe or Either.

data Vector (n :: Nat) a where
  Nil  :: Vector 'Zero
  Cons :: a -> Vector n a -> Vector ('Succ n) a
vhead :: Vector ('Succ n) a -> a
vhead (Cons x xs) = x

data Nat where         -- Behind the scenes we get 
  Zero :: Nat          --   'Zero :: Nat
  Succ :: Nat -> Nat   --   'Succ :: Nat -> Nat

In the new definition of Vector we have placed a specification on the 1st parameter n. (n :: Nat) essentially says that the type n has to be of kind Nat. And in the new definition of Nil and Cons, we are able to specify that Nil will only accept an element of type Vector 'Zero and Cons will always give a Vector 1 element larger.

In this example, GADTs allow us to specify more constrained return types for data constructors.

Singleton Types

Types where there is a 1:1 correspondence between types and values. Essentially a particular singleton type will only ever have one value that is associated with it.

From above we have seen that with DataKinds and GADTs we are able to encode information about the value of a certain element through its type. In specific cases, we may want to make use of this to define singleton types.

data SNat (n :: Nat) where
  SZero :: SNat 'Zero
  SSucc :: SNat n -> SNat ('Succ n)

In this example, we are defining a singleton type for natural numbers. If we try to define sone or stwo, their types will be unique.

sone :: SNat ('Succ 'Zero)
sone = SSucc SZero

stwo :: SNat ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero))
stwo :: SSucc sone


Reification is the process of converting types to values, typically using type classes.

There are a few ways to implement the instances for the type classes and one way (which is used in the lectures) is to use proxy types.

Proxy Types

We don’t have types at runtime due to type erasure, so we can’t write a function that takes types as arguments in Haskell, even though we sometimes want to.

Functions only accept arguments whose types are of kind *. Proxy types are used to establish a link between types of other kinds and types of kind *, thus “carrying” types of other kinds into the scope of a function’s type.

For example, we might want to define a function

fromNat :: forall (n :: Nat) => n -> Int

which takes a type-level natural number n of kind Nat as input and returns the corresponding Int value. However, only types of kind * have values at run-time in Haskell. Since there are no values of types of kind Nat, we cannot define a fromNat function of the given type.

Proxy types provide a partial work around Haskell’s limitations for cases where knowing what type is given to a function as its “argument” at compile-time is sufficient.

TLDR. A proxy type is a type of kind k -> * (where k can be specialised to the kind of whatever types you want to give to a function as argument). Only types of kind * have values, so we apply our proxy type constructor to some argument of kind k to get a type of kind * which then makes a suitable parameter for a function.

In the following example, we will show how this allows us to convert a type into a corresponding value. In other words, we show how to take information from the type level and convert it to information at the value level (reification).

data NatProxy (n :: Nat) = MkProxy

Here, the NatProxy type constructor is of kind Nat -> *, meaning it takes some type n of kind Nat and gives back a type of kind * which has a value at run-time. MkProxy is the data constructor for NatProxy and is of type NatProxy n.

Now with our proxy type, we can define a fromNat function with a slightly modified type. Since NatProxy :: Nat -> *, NatProxy n is a valid parameter type for a function since it is of kind *. We use a type class to overload this fromNat function so that we can provide different implementations for it, depending on which type n is. For example, if n is 'Zero we just define fromNat to return 0 as shown:

class FromNat (n :: Nat) where
  fromNat :: NatProxy n -> Int

instance FromNat 'Zero where -- 'Zero is a type defined by Nat in GADT section
  -- fromNat :: NatProxy 'Zero -> Int
  fromNat _ = 0

Next, the instance for any other n requires us to constrain the n in the instance head to be an instance of FromNat so that we can define the instance for 'Succ n recursively. The recursive call to fromNat is given MkProxy as argument, with an explicit type annotation instructing the compiler to choose the fromNat implementation for n. (Read the comments in the code snippet.)

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
instance FromNat n => FromNat ('Succ n) where
  -- fromNat :: FromNat n => NatProxy ('Succ n) -> Int
  fromNat _ = 1 + fromNat (MkProxy :: NatProxy n)
  -- (MkProxy :: NatProxy n) essentially means the n in "NatProxy n" 
  -- is the same n as that in the instance head. 
  -- ScopedTypeVariables extension has to be enabled for this to work.
  vlength :: forall n a . FromNat n => Vector n a -> Int 
  vlength _ = fromNat (MkProxy :: NatProxy n)
  -- Here "forall n a" is required for ScopedTypeVariables to work correctly

Although we use proxy types to implement the reification process here, they are independent techniques. That is, proxy types have uses outside of reification and reification can be accomplished without proxy types, which is not covered in the module.

Additional Example (Type Application)

FYI. This section is additional material and is not tested in the exams. I have included an example that Michael showed me, to illustrate how we may reify types without using proxy types.

Quoting Michael,

“I just typed straight into Slack, so it may not compile as is, but conceptually this [is how we would do it]”

This example makes use of a few language extensions which are shown.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplication, AllowAmbiguousTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
class FromNat (n :: Nat) where
   fromNat :: Int
instance FromNat Zero where
   fromNat = 0
instance FromNat n => FromNat (Succ n) where
   fromNat = 1 + fromNat @n
type Test = Succ (Succ Zero)

test :: Int
test = fromNat @Test

Here, @ is type application which is used to explicitly supply an argument for a universal quantifier. Universal quantifiers are usually implicit in Haskell, but in some cases it is useful to make them explicit when writing down typings. In the case of fromNat, its type is as follows with the universal quantifiers made explicit:

fromNat :: forall (n :: Nat) . FromNat n => Int

When we write fromNat @Test (last line), the n gets instantiated with Test and we get FromNat Test => Int as the type. Because Test expands to something that has an instance of FromNat, the constraint is satisfied and the compiler can pick the right implementation of fromNat to use, which is how the reification “works”.

Type application can be used with other variables, for example something. As long as these have an instance of FromNat defined for them. So if we write fromNat @something then n will be instantiated with something.

Concluding Reification

Here, we have provided two examples of how we can reify types. You have seen how useful type classes are as they allow us overload the fromNat function for different types of n. This resolves to the correct instances at compile-time so the right implementation of the function is evaluated at runtime.

Type Families

Language extension: TypeFamilies

Type families are type-level functions and allow us to perform computation at the type-level. There are two main types of type families, closed type families and associated (open) type families.

Associated (open) type families are “attached” to type classes and is open to further extension when defining instances.

Closed type families are very much like “normal” functions in the sense that you “know” what kind of types the type family will deal with and the effect to be achieved, and you just define it as such.

Closed Type Families

I think the best way to explain this is through an example. As you can see, the syntax for type families is different from anything we’ve seen before. The example below should be pretty self explanatory and you can see that the head of definition sort of resembles the type signature of a normal function, and the definition of the actual Add function is just pattern matching on the type of Nat.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
type family Add (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Nat where
  -- Add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
  Add 'Zero m = m
  Add ('Succ n) m = 'Succ (Add n m)

If we enable the TypeOperators language extension, we can use operators in our type family definition, which in turn allow us to use it very nicely in the vappend example below.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
type family (+) (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Nat where
-- or
type family (n :: Nat) + (m :: Nat) :: Nat where

vappend :: Vector n a -> Vector m a -> Vector (n + m) a
vappend Nil         ys = ys
vappend (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (vappend xs ys)

How to test in REPL

We can get REPL to evaluate types for us by using the :kind! syntax. This evaluates the type to its normal form.

Lecture> :kind! (+) 'Zero 'Zero
(+) 'Zero 'Zero :: Nat
= 'Zero

Associated (Open) Type Families

Motivation for Associated Type Families. Sometimes, when we define a certain type class, we want it to be as general as possible but because of certain constraint requirements for different instances of the type class, it is difficult without type families.

Example. Let’s say we want to define a type class Collection for various data structures like lists or trees etc.

class Collection c where
  -- c :: * -> *
  empty  :: c a 
  insert :: a -> c a -> c a
  member :: a -> c a -> Bool -- Checks if `a` is part of a collection

Now when we try to define an instance of Collection for lists, we could try to implement it this way. However, we get a type error due to our usage of elem, which requires elements in the list to have the Eq constraint.

instance Collection [] where
  empty       = []
  insert x xs = x : xs
  member x xs = x `elem` xs 
  -- however we get a type error:
  -- No instance for Eq a arising from use of elem

We could add an Eq a constraint onto the type class definition for member. However, this makes the Collection type class too restrictive for other data structures. Furthermore, we can’t predict what kind of data structures that other people will create, and Collection should be as general as possible.

Associated type families to the rescue

Associated type families allow us to associate a type family with our type class. This allows to do “something” based on the instance of the type class which depends on the problem we are trying to solve.

Regarding the example above, our goal is to have some way of placing constraints on the type of the elements contained inside c, so that our instances for the type class type checks.

So for any instance of collection, the Elem type family, given c, will return the type of elements in c. This establishes a relation between c and some type of kind *.

class Collection c where
  type family Elem c :: *
  empty  :: c
  insert :: Elem c -> c -> c
  member :: Elem c -> c -> Bool

If we write down the specialised type signatures for insert and member for this instance of Collection for lists, we can see that the associated type family Elem tells the compiler that the a contained inside the list, is the same a that is used in the rest of the instance definition. We can now place an Eq constraint on a and everything type checks.

instance Eq a => Collection [a] where 
  type Elem [a] = a -- this isn't a type alias; it's a type family instance.
  empty       = []
  -- insert :: Elem [a] -> [a] -> [a] (Specialised type signature)
  insert x xs = x : xs
  -- member :: Elem [a] -> [a] -> Bool
  member x xs = x `elem` xs

Overloaded Lists

Language Extension: OverloadedLists

This is a neat language extension that allows us to use list notation for other data types as long as the data type has an instance of IsList defined for it.

-- Without
poultree :: Tree String
poultree = Node Black
             (Node Black Leaf "Chicken" Leaf)
             (Node Black Leaf "Goose" Leaf)
-- With
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
poultree :: Tree String
poultree = ["Duck", "Goose", "Chicken"]

Below we show an example with the Tree data structure from one of the labs.

-- IsList is defined in GHC.Exts
class IsList l where
  type family Item l :: *
  fromList  :: [Item l] -> l
  fromListN :: Int -> [Item l] -> l
  fromListN _ xs = fromList xs
  toList    :: l -> [Item l]
instance Ord a => IsList (L.Tree a) where
  type Item (L.Tree a) = a
  toList = L.toList
  fromList = foldr (flip L.insert) L.empty