Cycle Checking

The search encounters a node on a path that it has already encountered (the path traversed a cycle)


Prune the path as it is not an optimal path so does not need to be explored


Keeping the nodes in the path in a hash table allows for checking in constant \(O(1)\) time.

Multiple Path Pruning

Two paths may meet at the same note, one taking a longer path anther a shorter one.


  • If the expanding path is shorter it can be pruned
  • Otherwise if the expanding path \(<s,..n>_1\) is shorter than the current path \(<s,..n,..m>_2\) for subpath \(<s,..n>_2\) then
    • Employ a strategy to prevent this from happening
    • Remove all paths from the frontier that include subpath \(<s,..n>_2\)
    • Change the initial segment of the paths on the frontier to use the shorter path. All paths containing \(<s,..n>_2\) has the subpath replaced with \(<s,..n>_1\)


Maintain a set of explored set (closed list) of nodes.

Initially the closed list is empty

When a path is selected if the endpoint in the closed list then a conflict has emerged otherwise add the endpoint to the closed list.

Implementation with A*

Suppose path \(p'\) to \(n'\) was selected but there is a lower cost path to \(n'\) Suppose this is via point \(p\) on the frontier.

let path \(p\) end at node \(n\)

by A* \(p'\) was selected before \(p\) i.e \(f(p')<f(p)\)

\[cost(p') + h(p') \leq cost(p)+h(p)\]

The path of \(n'\) via \(p\) is lower cost than via \(p'\)

\[cost(p)+ cost(n,n') \lt cost(p')\] \[cost(n,n') \lt cost(p')- cost(p) \leq h(p) -h(p') = h(n)-h(n')\]

we can ensure that this does not occur if

\[\vert h(n) - h(n') \vert \leq cost(n,n')\]

The heuristic is a monotone restriction

Monotone Restriction

A heuristic function satisfies the monotone restriction if \(\vert h(m) - h(n) \vert \leq cost(m,n)\) for every arc \(<m,n>\)

If h satisfies the monotone function is is consistent meaning \(h(m) \lt cost(m,n) + h(n)\)

A* with a consistent heuristic and multiple path pruning always finds the shortest path to a goal

A search can be thought of as symmetric

Shortest path from start to end


Shortest path from end to start

Forward branching factor number of arcs that are leaving ths node

Backwards branching factor number of arcs that are entering ths node

Search complexity is b^n so use forward is forward branching factor \(\lt\) backwards branching factor.

However when a graph is dynamically constructed the backwards graph may not be available.

Search backwards from the goal and the start simultaneously

This can be effective since \(2b^{k/2} \lt b^k\)

Implementation can vary however one strategy is to do a breath first stack to generate a rangd of targets then to do anther strategy like depth first to find the most optimal strategy.

This process expands on the idea of multiple hops to many hops between islands.

Find a set of m islands between the start and end.

There are m smaller problems \(mb^k/m \lt b^k\)

There are issues to overcome:

  • Identifying island can be difficult
  • Hard to guarantee optimality

Dynamic Programming

For statically stored graphs, build a table of dist(n) the actual distance form node n to a gaol

This can be build backwards from the goal:

This can be used locally to determine what to do

There are two main problems

  • It requires enough space
  • The dist function needs to be recomputed for each goal

A bounded depth first search takes a bound (cost or depth) and does nto exceed paths that exceed the bound

  • Explores part of the search graph
  • Uses space linear in the depth of the Search
  • start with a bound b=0
  • Do a bounded depth-first search with bound b
  • If a solution is found return that solution
  • Otherwise, increment b and repeat

Finds the same first solution as breadth first search.

As is based on depth first uses linear space.

Iterative deepening has an overhead of \((\frac{b}{b-1}) *\) cost of expanding nodes at depth \(k\).

When \(b=2\) there is an overhead factor of \(2\) when \(b=3\) there is an overhead of \(1.5\) as b gets higher, the overhead factor reduces.

Depth-first Branch-and-Bound

Combines depth-first search with heuristic information and finds the optimal solution.

Most useful when there are multiple solutions and we want an optimal one.

Uses the space of depth-first search.

let bound be the lowest-cost path found to a goal.

If the search encounters a path p where \(cost(p)+h(p) \geq bound\) the path can be pruned.

If a non - pruned path to the goal is found then bound can be set to \(cost(p)\) and p is set to the best solution.

Initializing Bound

  • Bound can be initialized to \(\infty\)
  • Bound can be set to an estimate of the optimal path cost
  • After depth-first search terminates either
    • A solution was found
    • No solution was found and no path was pruned
    • No solution was found and a Path was pruned

Can be combined with iterative deepening to increase the bound until either a solution is found or to show there is no solution